Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

With its performance in the chemical and petrochemical segments since 1969, Unipar contributes to the industrial development in Brazil.
Corporate Governance Structure
Unipar Management

Corporate Governance Structure

Unipar is managed by its Board of Administration, as provided in the Statutes and in the Joint-Stock Corporations Act. Unipar's shares (UNIP3, UNIP5 and UNIP6) are traded in the traditional B3 segment, along with the voluntary adoption of Corporate Governance practices, such as outstanding shares (free float) above 25%.

Unipar Leadership

The members of the Executive Board are elected by the Board of Directors and are responsible for carrying out the daily executive management of Unipar's business.
Rodrigo Cannaval
Rodrigo Cannaval
Alexandre Jerussalmy
Alexandre Jerussalmy
Executive Director of Finance and Investor Relations
Alexandre de Castro
Alexandre de Castro
Executive Commercial Director
Ricardo Congro
Ricardo Congro
Executive Industrial Director
André Ferreira
André Ferreira
Legal Director
Frederico Cruvienl
Frederico Cruvienl
Supply Chain Director
Guillermo Petracci
Guillermo Petracci
Director of the Bahia Blanca plant
Paula Gianetti
Paula Gianetti
Human Resources Officer
Pedro Rohl
Pedro Rohl
Director of the Santo André plant
Rogério Catarinacho
Rogério Catarinacho
Director of the Cubatão plant
Rogério Costa
Rogério Costa
Director of Growth and Innovation
Sergio Santos
Sergio Santos
Executive Manager of Institutional Relations and M&A
Suzana Santos
Suzana Santos
Executive Manager of Communication and Sustainability

Board of Ethics

The Ethics Committee assists the Board of Administration in subjects related to governance, compliance, ethics and conduct.
Name Office
Alexandre Jerussalmy Coordinator
Humberto Rapussi Secretary
Paula Giannetti de Lima Member
André dos Santos Ferreira Member
Suzana Gomes Santos Deputy
Guillermo Alejandro Petracci Deputy
Rogério Catarinacho Deputy
Compliance Program
Code of Conduct

Compliance Program

Directs the actions and serves as a guide for all those who contribute to the continuous improvement and growth of the Company. The program comprises a set of standards, rules and guidelines that informs the decision making in an ethical and lawful manner.

Communication Channel


Safe and confidential communication tool for employees to make denunciations, suggestions, questions or to clarify any doubt related to any actions that might breach Unipar's Code of Conduct, internal Policies, or any laws in force.

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Boards, Committees, Bylaws and Policies

Discover our structure and commitments to make chemistry happen sustainably.
Boards and Committees Bylaws and Policies